Sunday, January 28, 2007

Anonymous comments!

Sydney says,
"Just so you all are now able to comment anonymously, so comment til your little hearts content...Peace Man"


Anonymous said...

Thanks Sydney, I am so happy to be able to post a comment now. You and your sister are just too cute. I hope you had fun in the snow. :) Jessica Jordan

Anonymous said...

We should be paying attention in class right now, but you are just too cute. More pictures please! We need some more in-class distraction. Tell your mom we miss her. Alida says: I just found out that Jamie might be in classes with us next term. Awesome!!
Natalie says: Laptops are not as easy to pass around in class as notes! Good thing we are in the back of the classroom! Jessica says: this is really bad, we are editing each other's messages, it is SO time for graduation. Natalie says: Jess, add an exclamation point at the end of that sentence. Jessica says: OMG (Oh my gosh) Natalie, stop editing my message. Natalie says: Ha ha ha. Jamie thinks: wow, I miss you crazy kids so much. Kendall and Sydney say: mommy, your friends are silly. Natalie says: Kendall and Syndey should say, "mommy, your friends are so type A." Jessica says: enough, we should pay attention. Alida says: do I have any more moves in this solitare game? Jamie's friends and family say: wow Jamie, your friends really need to pay attention in class. I hope these future nurses are never caring for me someday! Natalie says: can you tell who is typing this? Jessica says: yeah, someone awesome. Alida says: sweet, a jack, I totally needed that. Jessica says: should we erase this? Are we really going to post it? Alida and Natalie say: PRESS SEND!

Anonymous said...

Annie says: I should have sat in the back of the class with Nat, Jess and Alida. I didn't have nearly as much fun as they did during Ethics class. Can't wait for Jamie to be in the back with us! Hopefully very soon!! Oh and the girls are the cutest ever- they must get that from their mom!
Miss you all,

Jamie said...

Love you guys! You are hilarious and can't wait to be in the back of class with you all.