Thursday, February 19, 2009

Super Sydney

Wearing a red chef hat and her Elmo towel!
Super Sydney- super power is that she has a mind that is a "Steel Trap"
Case in point- Tonight is something I have somewhat been dreading. Last night was a bad night for Sydney. She woke up around 3:30 am and screamed for the next 2 and a half hours...nearly straight. Finally she fell asleep around 6ish. So, tonight was not something I was looking forward to. She has been relatively cranky free considering her lack of sleep. I just wanted her to go to bed peacefully and calmly, in the hopes that this would help her stay asleep throughout the night. I brushed their teeth, changed diapers, read some books all without minor incident.
Getting from our room to their room presented a small challenge when Sydney decided that she wanted to be picked up first before Kendall. Mind you, she decided this already after Kendall was in my arms. I politely asked her to come over to me, which she refused. So, I said "ok, no problem...I will see you later." and walked out of the room with Kendall on my hip. This of course infuriated her and she proceeded to scream and cry. I put Kendall to bed, and went back to the our room, where Sydney was still crying. I told her that I understood she was upset and that when she was done crying, she could come out and "go night night in her big girl bed" I shut the door and waited for a few more minutes of her screaming and crying. I then opened the door and asked her, " are you all done crying yet?" and she replied emphatically "NO!" I politely reminded her that when she was done crying she could come to bed, and I shut the door. I waited yet another few minutes for her to cry and opened the door again asking her if she was done crying. Her answer this time was "yes" I picked her up and carried her to bed, tucked her in, and right as I am walking out the room, she says, "cut the nail!"
"Cut the nail?" I asked her. "What nail?" She proceeds to hold up her right ring finger, where she in fact has a hang nail. I tell her I would go get the clippers and be back to cut her nail. I went upstairs and proceed to tell my Mom that she now has a hang nail and that I told her I would go back and cut it. Now I am thinking this is all a ploy to not go to bed and if I go back down there one thing will lead to another and before you know it...MELTDOWN! What I have been trying to avoid all night. SO, I tell my Mom that I am not going back down there. And this was her reply, "are you kidding me...she will be waiting for you to come back and if you don't, she will come up here looking for you. She won't forget...she has a mind like a steel trap."
Indeed she does. Ten to fifteen minutes later, she was at the top of the stairs saying, "cut the nail." Again displaying her finger emphatically. I cut it this time and returned her to bed. In the course of writing this post, she has come out of her room two different times and is now crying in my Mom's room where she has been put for a crying "timeout." Meaning, when she is done crying, she can come out and go to her room again. UGH, this child is driving me crazy!!! She does have a mind like a steel trap...for better or for worse, I have yet to decide. I will let you all know how the rest of the night goes...keep you fingers crossed! PLEASE...
ps ~ I love her more than words can express!


Jessica Jordan said...

Oh Jamie! I am so grateful for posts like these so I can have a heads up for what is to come when Tyler hits two. He is already so strong willed ... I know he will totally have a steel trap mind like Sydney ... unless I ask him to do something he does not want, then he totally forgets, so convenient! Back to Sydney; what is her deal? Why was she crying for so long last night? did you get any sleep? I am sorry. I know how hard those nights can be. I hope you got a nap today. Once again, you amaze me with two toddlers! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Just a small note, her daddy was alot like that when he was her age.
Good luck!!
Brandon, I loved you more than words could express!!
Still do!!