I heard a speech where a three year old little boy asked his Mom and Dad while watching the Republican debate, "where's a-rock-o-mama?" So, I figure if the girls were to get it down...this is a little of what it might sound like.
We went to the Washington State Democratic Caucus today! Happy to report that Obama supporters outnumbered Hillary ~ 2-1 in our precint and in some precints ~3-1. Official tally results of precint 2333 were as follows:
39 for Obama = 4 Delegates
21 for Hillary = 2 Delegates
3 Undecided = 0 (there were 5 originally, but one committed Hillary the other went Obama!)
(and if the girls could have officially counted, then it would have been 41 Obama. I tried to talk them into letting their vote count, but there was some rule about them being 18 YEARS old...I must have misunderstood and thought it was 18 MONTHS old!) LOL
Anyways, it was so nice to see the turnout, which our precint officer said was about three times what it was last election (2004) At the school we were at there were about 14 precints gathered, so it was a pretty busy place. Girls did great almost the whole time. They were saying "hi" to everyone and then played in the hall for a while before the official voting began. I also volunteered to be an alternate delegate to represent our precint at the Legistlative District #46 caucus April 5th, in the event one of our elected delegates could not attend.
Here are the girls enjoying their time supporting Obama!
P.S. - To all those who are of a different belief on who is best apt to run and unite this country...I still love you and hope you still love us too!
Way to 'Rock the vote' girls! You should send the picture of Kendall to a-Rock-o-Mama himself!
A-Rock-O-Mama is great and all, but I vote Kendall & Sydney for president ... who wouldn't be united around such perfection & cuteness? I am sure Oprah would agree. Tyler can be the VP.
what obama, they should be going for Clinton..hello first woman president!
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