Sunday, April 12, 2009

Potty Singing

Well, I have good news to report. The girls are pretty much successfully potty trained! THANK GOD...what a trial it was! We have an occasional accident or two, but all in all, they are really pretty good about letting us know when they have to go. The past few days, we had been down in Portland, and the girls got to try out their potty skills on all sorts of different toilets. They were not happy about this in the beginning, especially Sydney. She is/was terrified of the toilets flushing at the stores, restaurants, etc, because of how loud they were. We were in the Target bathroom for no joke, 20-25 minutes attempting to get her to sit on the potty. She finally did it, and then the next time we were at Wendy's, she went without a problem. You just can't flush the toilet when she is in the stall with you...this still freaks her out. So needlesstosay, it was a long intensive last few days of potty training outside the home, but it was well worth it. So, here is a video of Syndey sitting on the potty singing while she was waiting for her business to happen. I couldn't resist video-ing it for future enjoyment when she is an adult.

I love you Sydney Lee...way to go on the potty!


Jamie said...

Notice she gets distracted from "Old Mcdonalds" by saying she has to "Go to REI" ...ahhhh

a true child of the NW

Anonymous said...

I was waiting for you to go around the corner to see her!

Jessica Jordan said...

Wow, that REI thing is hilarious. She will love this at about age 13. Oooo blackmail!