Monday, July 5, 2010

It's a Marvelous Night for a Luau

Yes...indeed this is Kendall Rose and she wore the sound proof headphones all night. She hated the loud firework sounds...the first few caught her off guard and you should have seen her face. Sheer panic. In nice neighborly fashion, Kendall was given these to wear for the night...and she did. She also retired earlier than Sydney saying, "mama lets just go inside and watch them from the bedroom window, which we did." Sydney remained outside with Daddy for the full remainder of the fireworks display in all its glory. By the time Sydney was in the house, Kendall was fast asleep. Twins...the same, but yet so different at the same time!

Sydney Lee licking the top of her cupcake

Silly Daddy and Uncle Kris

Plumber Kendall

So this year, the block party theme was Luau, and it was great to get to hang with the neighbors. There was a ton of food, hula skirts, hoola hoops, skate board (courtesy of Uncle Kris) a ridiculous amount of fireworks...and we are talking the real deal...and lots of laughter to go around. So nice to feel like we belong to a community again. I think we missed this living in the city. Good to be back for sure!

"What's this one do?"

Fireworks starting

Notice the look of slight panic on Kendall's face?

Sydney Lee all comfy cozy for the night fireworks display. By this time, Kendall was in bed and sleeping through all the noise right outside her window!

Also notice the tongue was a reoccurring theme in the pictures too!

(although it did get better as the night progressed)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jamie, it's almost like being there.