Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sydney my little Lover!

Poll #2: And the answer is...


Sydney has, over the last few weeks or so, turned into my little snuggle bunny. She loved giving kisses and hugs especially when you are leaving or when it is time to say goodnight. She kisses and kisses, until you have to tell her more firmly, "it is night night time." Then she quietly falls asleep. She is too cute. Then there is Kendall, who lately when you ask her for a hug or a kiss, shakes her head "no" Miss Independent! She does it partly because then she knows I am going to go after her to get my kiss and hug, which she loves of course, giggling and squeeling the whole time. What characters...give them some time though and I am sure they will do a complete switch...yet again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!