Monday, March 16, 2009

It's Started

Today while at the local McDonald's there was a group of about 5 boys (about four years old) playing in the play yard at the same time the girls were. One accidentally hit Kendall in the face with his knee. Of course she was a little distraught, which required me to climb up into the structure to calm her down. The mother who was supervising all five boys apologized to me for the accident, and it was really no problem at all. She got over it quite quickly.

About 10 minutes later, the boys were rounding up and getting ready to head out. All of a sudden, they started talking about the "two pretty girls up there." No joke. Another one said..."yeah, there are two pretty girls up there" And some more chatter!

My mom and I were cracking up listening to them talk about Kendall and Sydney, while they were oblivious and playing by themselves.

I looked at my Mom and said, "well, they are two and half and it has started already...I have a feeling we should get used to this. And the girls are going to have to too!"

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