Friday, March 6, 2009

Screamin' Fun

So, it is official. We are a house of screamers. The other day, as Sydney was yelling, "hey Mama...hey Mama...hey Mama!" over and over and over again, I thought to myself, where do they get this from? This "hey...." thing?

Then I caught myself yelling, "hey Bran...hey Brandon"

...and also, "hey...Kendall and Sydney...come eat (or "come pick up your toys", or "come on, let's go" or "don't touch that")

With this, it should be no surprise that we scream for fun at times. Then laugh and giggle and do it all over again...lounder and louder each time. The girls have now decided that they no longer need my guidance with this matter and this is what I came downstairs to the other day!

Some Screamin' Fun!


Anonymous said...

Dear Sydney and Kendall,
When your Daddy and uncle Kris were little they use to scream with Gramie just like that!!!
We would scream to each other at night before we would go to bed.
"I love you as big as the house",
"I love you as big as the world",
"I love you as big as the sun!!"
So enjoy your screaming and Gramie will chime in as soon as I get there, Can't wait!!!
Love you baby girls

Anonymous said...

PS, you made my heart smile!!