Saturday, February 17, 2007

Discovering "Discovery Park"

On the way to Discovery Park First stop at the Sound

On the way to the "beach" Sydney with Mom

Olympic Mountains from Puget Sound Kendall asleep with Dad

Sydney on the way home Kendall wakes up!

Today was a beautiful day in the Northwest. It was in the mid-50's and mostly sunny, so we decided to take the girls for a nice "walk" around Discovery Park. It is on Puget Sound so we figured we could be by the water and have great views of the Olympics, and we were right! Today was the first day we were able to use their carriers. As we "walked", we realized that there was more "trail" than "walk" but nevertheless we kept on. It ended up being a pretty decent hike that ended on the water. Once out in the open, Sydney got a huge gust of wind and started to cry...but up until this point, the girls were cry free! So, it was a big success. We got back to the truck just in time, as Sydney was running on empty, especially in her patience. Kendall chose to sleep most of the time, which was fine also. Now you would think with all the travel and being outside that they would be worn...but you would be mistaken. They were awake the whole way home and most of the night. Our little adventurers...we are going to have so much fun with them on our hikes to come. Can't wait.

ps. carriers worked great!


Jamie said...

more video at

Creo said...

Those baby-holders are a little too fancy. The end must be near.

Jamie said...

It is near

Terry and Fred said...

Looks like the new carriers have a role bar, cool!

Anonymous said...

I thought you would want to know that Great Grandma and Grandpa Cadena were able to view your blog courtesy of the Lucios this past weekend.

Thay send their Love. They especially enjoyed the videos!

The pictures of the four of you hiking are awesome. Is Grandma Roggie the photographer? Great job all around!