Wednesday, October 24, 2007

PB and Ellie's

Girls watching the puppet show

Big girl Sydney looking over the menu

Kendall deciding on her dinner

Sydney Lee

Kendall Rose

Coloring with chalk

Just holding the chalk because that is fun too!

The "lock and key" puzzle

The other night my Mom, the girls, and I went to a place called PB and Ellie's. It is a organic, kid friendly restaurant. They have all sorts of thing for the kids to run around and play with. And as luck would have it, it was "Dinner Theater" night and so we got to see a puppet show following our dinner. The girls had a good time, ate PB and Jelly (of course) baked sweet potatoe fries, applesauce, and some of my chicken sandwich. Grandma was surprised that they didn't have "Coke," but an all natural soda instead, and no chicken fingers because that would have meant they probably would have been fried. I wish I had a camera so you all could have seen the look on her face when the waitress politely explained the no "coke" thing. Hilarious! She has been here for going on 9 months now and still has yet to get used to the "NW" culture of organic is best. I love her for it though. So, we had a good time and the girls liked being able to get down and play in a restaurant for the first time! They loved coloring with the chalk...oh, and trying to eat it too! I can't wait for all their teeth to be in so maybe everything will stop going directly into their mouths.


Anonymous said...

That place looks awesome! How funny that the girls were eating the chalk! I thought it was only my kid who ate chalk.
I am with your mom though on the coke thing, I gotta have my diet coke.

Anonymous said...

Let your mother know that she can have ALL the coke she wants when you comes back to MICHIGAN... and then some.....

Sarah said...

Those drawings are exceptionally advanced for the twins! Wow. I'm impressed. I wonder if it was organic chalk?

Sarah said...

Paula and I were just admiring your hard work and all the effort you put into the maintenance of your blog! Nice love the WOW video!!!!!!!!!!